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Who are your MP's commercial friends?

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MP & Friends

Data on MPs and registered UK companies from OpenCorporates has been combined to list the company directorships of every MP and the names of every co-director of those companies.

The data is presented as a 'Friends' graph linking each MP to their companies and the directors of those companies.

Data issues

Some peoples have not always included their 'other' names (e.g., any middle name) in the paperwork to Companies House, e.g., Diane Abbott and Diane Julie Abbott. The list of co-directors is based on name and giving a different name means that the visual display may omit some links between people/companies.

Sometimes an MP has included the suffix 'MP' to their name in the paperwork for one company, but not in the paperwork for another company. An attempt has been made to normalise the data so that this used of 'MP' has not affected the results.

Searching the Companies House data, using a person's name, returns all people whose name contains both the first and last name, e.g., a search on David Cameron returns almost 1,200 entries, including ALASTAIR CAMERON DAVID. Date of birth is used to identify a unique individual. It is possible that two different company directors share the same date of birth and if this occurs the MP-and-Friends App will incorrectly treat them as the same person.

Some MPs are known by different names in different contexts. For instance, James Gerald Douglas Howarth is listed on the Parliamentary site as Gerald Howarth, but is listed in the Companies House data as James Howarth. The Mp-and-Friends App uses first-name_last-name and so incorrect lists the directorships of the person discussed in this paragraph.

Check out your MP's directorships

Team members:

Tom Paskhalis



Derek Jones